Sunday, October 15, 2017


What a wild ride getting to our hotel in Padova! We had Google maps programmed to our destination and thought everything was going well. All of a sudden Ms. Google started shouting her instructions way troppo velocemente (too fast)!! We were flying through roundabouts while she was screaming 2nd left, go straight, 1st right! She kept telling us to turn into the ZTL (zona traffico limitato)! You must have your car registered for commercial or residential use or you will be facing a big fine.  Of course, we were lost and crazed about both avoiding a hefty fine for crossing into the zone and avoiding the mad cyclists!  All of a sudden, I saw the name of the street for our hotel! Saved!

There are many sights to see in Padova and the Piazzas near the Universita are prime people watching areas. There are  the Piazza Erbe and the Piazza Della Frutta which give the best views of Padova in current life. There is  the market, the cafes, the shopping areas.   

Our biggest must see in Padova was the Scrovegni Chapel (scro-VEEN-ee).  This had to be booked in advance due to the high demand and the special entry limitations.  This chapel is as close as you can get to actually seeing “the last supper”. It is every bit as reverent as the chapel in Milano. Individual groups of 25 are let in for just 15 minutes.  Prior to entry each group is required to enter a special chamber for 15 minutes to allow for a humidity adjustment to the climate controlled chapel. You are shown a film of the chapel, so it is not so long and boring a wait. This is done to protect, as much as possible, Giotto’s frescoes from any further deterioration.  Giotto di Bondone was to the Scrovegni Chapel what Michelangelo was to the Sistine Chapel.  He represented a turning point in European art and culture away from scenes of heaven and toward a more human view.

Getting to the Scrovegni Chapel from our hotel was relatively easy using Padova’s excellent tram system.  Of course walking was also an option but forget driving.  It’s all in the ZTL.

The other must see was The Basilica of St. Anthony.  Fortunately, it was right across the street from our hotel.  The Basilica rivals any church that we have previously seen in Italy (other than the Vatican).  I can’t decide which is more amazing, this Basilica or Milan’s Duomo.  Simply incredible.

Leaving Padova was somewhat easier than entering.  We left the phone off and relied on old fashioned paper maps.  If only proper signage was used at each roundabout it would have been perfect!

Scrovegni Chapel

Exterior of Scrovegni Chapel (under restoration)

Basilica of St. Anthony

Palazzo Della Ragione at Piazza Della Frutta

Piazza dei Signori

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